19yr old part time software dev mostly open-source also by trade.
I have no degree alias never go to formal college education, so keep in mind that if you want to hire me, I might not remember the complexity of interpolation search algorithm, but I'm pretty good and patient enough in searching and experimenting for it! All I learn this way with patience 💗Education
As a person with delusional disorder, I have strong imagination and proper decision making when building stuff.
Python bindings for booru imageboards
Node SDK for interacting with Scathach bot...
Bulk downloader for booru with evil intention...
Yoichi Isagi was mere moments away from scori...
2 years agoAlthough Fairy Tail has disbanded and its mem...
2 years agoFor as long as he can remember, Minoru Kageno...
2 years agoUh, what they were saying about sinkaroid